In the real estate sector, effective document management is crucial. Real estate agents need to handle a wide range of critical documents, from floor plans and energy certificates to cadastral surveys, photos, and videos of properties. Moreover, in the sales process, it is essential to accurately gather the necessary documents for the conclusion of notarial deeds, such as identity documents, inheritance reports, condominium administrator statements, and urban planning documentation. In this context, the use of Certiblok becomes a valuable ally for the real estate agent.
Sharing documents with clients is a daily practice for every real estate agent. This practice must be not only efficient but also extremely secure. Certiblok offers a platform that allows uploading and sharing documents in a secure and controlled manner. For instance, before a property visit, you can share the floor plans and energy certificates with the potential buyer directly through the platform. This enables the agent to present all necessary information in an organized and professional manner, making it easy for the client to consult at any time and place.
A particularly useful aspect of Certiblok is the creation of ‘Audit Rooms,’ virtual spaces where all documents necessary for a transaction can be collected and organized. The agent can easily invite clients, notaries, and other consultants to access these documents, ensuring transparency and immediate availability of the required information. As the time for purchasing a property approaches, for example, the agent can request necessary documents from clients through Certiblok, such as the energy performance certificate or urban planning documentation. Users can upload the documents directly to the platform, making the process not only faster but also more secure.
The Certiblok platform also integrates a video call system. This tool proves extremely useful when there are points to clarify without the possibility of a face-to-face meeting. Through video calls, agents can discuss shared documents, resolve doubts, or guide clients through complex documentation, all with the convenience of a click. This functionality significantly reduces waiting times and misunderstandings, improving communication efficiency and client satisfaction.
One of the most critical aspects of document management in the real estate sector is data security. Certiblok uses advanced encryption technologies and a decentralized blockchain system to ensure that all uploaded documents are protected from unauthorized access and tampering. This is essential not only to protect clients’ privacy but also to ensure that all documents are stored and maintained securely and in compliance with current regulations.
By using Certiblok, real estate agents can significantly reduce the time and costs associated with document management. There is no longer a need to print, mail, or physically manage large amounts of paper. Everything can be managed digitally through the platform, which also offers archiving functions, document versioning, and deadline management. These features allow agents to focus on more strategic aspects of their work, such as improving client relationships and closing more sales.
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Document Relationship Management,
che rivoluziona il modo di gestire e condividere i documenti, anche quelli più riservati.
Semplifica il lavoro in team, gestisce le scadenze, ti collega con clienti, fornitori, consulenti ed enti ispettivi, garantendo la massima protezione del tuo patrimonio documentale attraverso il cloud decentralizzato e la tecnologia Blockchain.